It’s more than just poses.

When I started attending Yoga classes I believed it was all about the ‘pose’. If I was unable to contort myself into the poses, then I’d feel as though I hadn’t done very well in that class.  

I often found myself feeling frustrated and annoyed or even jealous of others around me that seemingly moved effortlessly through the sequence. Why couldn’t I do it? I was flexible and strong- I felt it should have come easily.  

After learning more in depth the teachings of Yoga, I started to feel very differently.  

Before I embarked on my Yoga teacher training, I had this idea I needed to arrive ‘ready’ for the course. What did that mean, you might ask? Well, to me it meant I needed to be slimmer, more flexible, at least able to do a headstand- I mean can’t all Yoga teachers do that!?  

As I started learning, I began to realise my initial feelings of needing to be ‘physically ready’ for a Yoga course, weren’t just silly, but completely unnecessary because it is not all about the pose/s.  

The teachings of Yoga are vast and to be honest the sheer content overwhelmed me when I started learning. Once I’d accepted that I would probably only ever scratch the surface of how much information/teachings there are, I was able to move on from my egotistical side of needing to know it all. It’s a wonderful thing too, to keep learning, and not only that, but I learn daily about myself and from my students too.  

If you allow Yoga to be more than just a set of poses, it can be enormously enlightening and very revealing to show you who you are, and what you need.  

This heightened awareness is something I have become better at and continue to work on... 


Why do I feel emotional during Yoga?