Why do I feel emotional during Yoga?

Why do we feel emotional during Yoga?

As we move through our practice, particularly in vinyasa yoga our bodies go through various movements involving tension and release. These movements can cause our body to ‘release’ and ‘let go’ of any emotional tension we might be holding onto without realising.

Some poses can release this overwhelming sense of emotion, such as back twists and hip openers.

How do I work with my emotions in Yoga?      

1.     Recognise this as a normal part of Yoga

2.     Don’t fight it- allowing the emotions not to overwhelm you is important as you might find this transfers into anger when you feel emotional. Maybe take a Childs pose or move to savasana.

3.     Move at your own pace- maybe slow down your practice and focus on your breathing. Remember that Yoga is not always the physical practice but breath work and meditation might be more suitable some days.

4.     Enjoy a post yoga ‘feel good’ – some people enjoy a nap/ bath or even a gentle walk alone after Yoga. This can help you to feel less overwhelmed when a strong emotion presents itself.



It’s more than just poses.

