
Why you should set an intention each time you come to your mat. 

It’s a little like making a plan for yourself, so why not set up for success? 

Begin by taking a full body scan of your physical and mental state. How do you feel?

Then, set your intention in sync with how you’re feeling. For example; you’ve had a busy day, and your mind and body are both tired. Your intention may be to welcome more gentle movements, giving the stronger poses a miss, and enjoying rest when you want to take it. This allows you to set honest and realistic intentions, resulting in a positive feeling at the end of your practice.  

Setting yourself up this way will support you in your Yoga practices, as you become more intuitive to how you feel and how you wish to move. Remember to approach each practice with a fresh perspective and an open mind as to how it may go; taking into consideration any injuries new or old. 

Your week-to-week progress may not be linear, some weeks you might find poses more difficult than they have done before. It's important to avoid monitoring your practice too firmly; instead notice overall benefits which may include anything from your stress levels decreasing, or ability to meditate for longer. Welcome the possibility for gentle progress and dismiss the need for immediate gratification when it comes to your expectations.

By honouring and being present with where you are at the beginning of the class allows you to feel empowered throughout, knowing this is the intention for your practice. 


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